
    Other Helpline

    Sl. No. Name of the Helpline Number
    1 24×7  National Level Disability Helpline 9415578606
    Sl. No. Name of the Helpline Number Purpose/ Target group
    Mental Health Support
    1 Tele-Manas 14416 Mental health support
    2 Psycho-social, First-aid & counselling helpline 8448-8448-45 Mental health support
    3 KIRAN 1800-5990019 Mental health support & rehabilitation
    4 National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) Helpline 080-46110007 provides medical advice, counseling, and rehabilitation.
    5 Vandrevala Foundation crisis intervention helpline 91 9999 666 555 Mental Health support , Counselling
    6 One Life 78930-78930 Suicide Prevention & Crisis support
    7 Jeevan Aastha Helpline, Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Counseling Helpline 1800 233 3330 Mental health support, suicide prevention
    8 Aasra 9820466728 NGO named Aasra provides emotional support & counselling
    9 Prana Lifeline 1800 121 2023040 Suicide Prevention & Crisis support provided by a counselling center in Coimbatore
    10  i CALL 022-25521111 TISS Helpline, Provides psycho scocial support
    11 Helpline by Lifeline 9088030303 Psycho social support
    12 Voice That Cares 8448-8448-45 Mental health support service
    13 Connecting Trust, Every Life Counts 9922004305 assistance with mental health concerns, crisis intervention,
    14 Parivarthan Counselling Helpline 91 7676602602 Counselling
    15 Muktaa Mental health Helpline 788-788-9882 Mental health support
    16 Mann Talks 91 8686 139 139 Counselling support
    17 Helpline by Aastha 011 46625150 & 9560874098 (Whatsapp) Cross- disability Helpline number by Aastha NGO – Delhi.
    For Persons with Hearing Impairment
    18 Video Relay Service through Whatsapp (ISLRTC) 8929667579 Video call support to HI persons in emergency
    19 Callsign 8657980725 Helpline for HI (Mumbai)
    20 SignAble (App) 9567522384 Helpline App for HI (Banglore)
    For Persons with Visual Impairment
    21 NAB India 61850999 Assistance to visually impaired individuals, including rehabilitation, education, skill development, and employment assistance.
    22 Saksham Disability 011-42411015 For Visually impaired with respect to aids and appliances and training-related.
    23 Eyeway National Helpline 1800-53-20469 Education, employment, assistive technology, legal rights, and rehabilitation for individuals with visual impairments.
    24 Helpline by Sightsavers India 1800-419-6250 Assistance in eye health, education, and social inclusion for the blind.
    25 NIVH 1352744491 For VI
    Employability / Skill training
    26 Youth 4Jobs 7714815974 Helpline for Jobs for PwDs, Pan India.
    27 Enable India 080-67323636 Assists with employment, skill training, and job placement
    28 Dream foundation Helpline 8985429213 Skilling &job placement for PwDs in Tirupati
    29 NHFDC toll free helpline 1800-11-4515 Information on loan schemes, skill training,
    30 e-Shram Helpline 14434 Targeting unorganized workers, including those with disabilities, it assists with e-Shram card registration, employment, and social security benefits.
    31 Employment wing 9839675544 Employment wing provided by Ability Foundation NGO based in Tamil Nadu. Provides assistance in Pan India.
    32 School at Home 011-41212300 Telephonic school at home – class 1st to 12th , General Knowledge, New, Current affairs, School results, online discussion, co-curricular programmes.
    33 Helpline by Samarthanam Trust 080-68333999 Support related to Education, Health & Rehabilitation by Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled, Banglore
    Other categories
    34 All India Institute of Medical Sciences 1800-11-7776 24/7 toll-free helpline for understanding and identifying symptoms of autistic disorder in children
    35 ALIMCO Toll Free Helpline 1800-180-5129 Toll-free helpline for information on aids and assistive devices
    36 Ezy Move 9029090880 Provides Wheechair- taxi services in Mumbai.
    37 National Helpline for Leprosy and Tuberculosis 1800-11-6666 Provides information, counseling, and referral services for leprosy patients and leprosy-cured persons.
    38 NIEPID 1800-572-6422 General assistance related to National Institutes and CRCs
    39 NIEPMD 1800-425-0345 support services, rehabilitation, early intervention, and counseling for individuals with multiple disabilities.
    40 Maya Care Foundation 1800 572 1343 Support to the elderly ones who have managed to overcome disabilities.
    41 Pukar Foundation Helpline 9663896669 Distress & crisis management by Pukar Foundation, Banglore.
    42 Helpline Aks 8793088814 Helpline by Aks foundation for any abuse or domestice violence
    43 Viklang Sahara Samiti Helpline Delhi 9899615733 UDID related services, policy /scheme information, any legal assistance.
    44 Helpline for medicines 8010330000 Delivery of medicines for PwDs at doorstep in Delhi
    State-wise Helpline numbers for PwDs
    Sl. No. State Number Name of the Helpline
    1 Kerala 1800 120 1001 Anuyatra help desk
    2 Tamil Nadu 18004250111 Chennai Helpline number
    3 Rajasthan 1800-180-6127 Jan Soochna Helpline
    4 Andama and Nicobar 9531940872 (call and whatsapp) Directorate of Social Welfare
    5 Gujarat 1800-233-3330 Jeevan Astha (Gujarat Police)
    6 Telengana 1800-572-8980 Telegana State Helpline for PwDs
    General Helpline numbers for PwDs & non-PwDs
    Sl. No. Name of the Helpline Number Purpose/ Target group
    1 Women’s Helpline 181 24/7 helpline for women in distress
    2 Child Line 1098 24/7 helpline for children in distress or at risk
    3 National Commission for Women (NCW) Helpline 7827170170 addresses grievances related to women’s rights and complaints of harassment or violence.
    4 National Helpline for Deaddiction 1800 11 0031 De-addiction
    5 National Emergency Number 112 A unified emergency number for police, fire, and ambulance services across India.
    6 Elderly Helpline 14567 health services, legal aid, and protection from abuse and rescue.
    7 National Anti-Ragging Helpline 1800-180-5522 Supports students facing harassment or ragging in educational institutions, offering immediate intervention and support.
    8 Railway Helpline 139 Provides assistance with railway services, including ticket booking, train schedules, and complaints.
    9 Indian Red Cross Society Blood Bank Helpline 1910 emergency assistance.
    10 Disaster Mangement Helpline 1078 emergencies in natural disasters and rescue operations
    11 Fire services 101 fire emergency services
    12 National Health Mission (NHM) Helpline 104 Health related assistance
    13 Cyber Crime Helpline 155260 cybercrime such as online fraud, cyberbullying, hacking, or identity theft.
    14 PM-Kisan Helpline 155261 Support for farmers regarding the PM-Kisan income support scheme
    15 Ayushman Bharat Jan Arogya Helpline 14555 Provides support for healthcare services and health insurance queries or to report any fraud or abuse matters.
    16 PM Jan Dhan Yojana 1800-180-1111 Provides financial assistance, including banking, savings, insurance, and credit access to the unbanked population of India.